Thursday, April 21, 2011

New website...New Venture!!!

The ~WEBSITE~ is back up!!! It is cute, simple, and pretty much just informational at this point. BUT! It is a great start! Keep checking back to see a more definite date than "mid-summer" for....


I feel so blessed that my dream is coming true. This is a definite God-breathed adventure, and I would love to share it with you all (all 5 of my readers...hah!) sometime. It truly is awe-inspiring, and trust me, not because of anything I have done. I am so proud that He is President of my company. Couldn't do it any other way....and the ride wouldn't be near as exciting!!

That's all for now- on we go!!!


Friday, April 15, 2011


So, ladies, I can safely say this has been the craziest, and yet most BLESSED Spring I have had with Ali J Boutique!! I did my homework....I booked myself out....I asked, hired, or begged wonderful people in my life to help me....and I have had a great time so far at Expos, women's events, and Home Parties!! Wow- so many people have been so good to me, i can't even tell you how wonderful it makes me feel :) Special thanks to Linda Larson, "Ma", who set up a special event at Melvins on April Fools Day for a bunch of her daughter (Cari Huisinga)'s friends who represent different companies. It was honestly a blast. It is people like her, who take a genuine interest in my business, that make me feel so humbled. Honestly. And people like Karen McLaughlin, who had one of my first home parties, and makes a point to come out and support me. Also, Sharon Nelson, Deb Wessling, Sue Sunde. And Kim Kleven, Diane Hagedorn, Janelle Cockrell, and Billie Madsen. And Brooke Lien, Amy Combs, Elizabeth Johnson. And Lynn Stier. Oh- there are so many- and I FEEL SO BLESSED!! Ok- this has turned into a big "thank you fest" but, that's the way I feel right now. SO!! THANK YOU CARI HUSINGA!! RACHEL ELMHORST!!! NIKKI FRIESE!! ERICA GAHLON!!! JOANNA LIEN!!! BECKY VILLNOW!!! AND LASTLY, BUT NOT LEAST BY ANY MEASURE, MY MOM!!! MY MOM-IN-LOVE!! AND MY DEAR SISTER, DANI. Thanks. Whew. I feel better now :) Love you all. Thanks for the opportunity to serve you. Alison