Sunday, February 8, 2009

Scarf Tying Video!

So I had a dilemma about three months ago. I had this great idea to do a video of scarf tying to put on this here {blog}. I tried five different times to do so, but to no avail. The main reasons I didn't like the results were because a) I looked tired b) I had a huuuuuge bump for a belly and c) I kept running out of breath!! The joys of being 9 months pregnant. After returning the video camera, I didn't have the determination to set it all up again.

HOWEVER!! I am pleased to announce that I am going to *steal* one. {Well, it says 'embed' on the video, so I don't believe I am technically stealing.}

So here is the story behind this video: a lovely friend of mine from church who has blessed my scarf shows with her presence (and wallet;) a few times, told me about a great gal who has a blog titled "The Big Mama Blog" She does 'fashion Fridays' and lately, the scarf has been mentioned numerous times. Aaaaah. A lady who shares my passion. It is so nice to feel understood;) So anyway, Big Mama posted this video in response to a friend of hers who could use some tying assistance. Thank you Big Mama!

Here you go:

Scarf Tying 101 from Big Mama on Vimeo.

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